Design, Planning and Building Regulations
HessianCole can deal with every aspect of your new VELUX installation.
Advice on final positioning of your new VELUX windows not only to achieve the best looks but to realize the full potential of the product.
Provide detailed or basic architects drawings for planning and building regulations approval.
Organize calculations from registered structural engineers as part of the building regulations approval process.
Submit applications and liaise with local authority to acquire planning and/or building regulations approval.
Submit applications and liaise with local authority to achieve listed buildings consent.
Do you need planning approval for your VELUX Window?
In most cases you do not need planning approval to install a new VELUX window or Sun Tunnel.
Rooflights are considered under Class C of the GPDO 2015 (General Permitted Development Order).
Class C – other alterations to the roof of a dwellinghouse
Permitted development
C. Any other alteration to the roof of a dwellinghouse.
Development not permitted
C.1 Development is not permitted by Class C if—
( a ) permission to use the dwellinghouse as a dwellinghouse has been granted only by virtue
of Class M, N, P or Q of Part 3 of this Schedule (changes of use);
( b ) the alteration would protrude more than 0.15 metres (15cm) beyond the plane of the slope of the
original roof when measured from the perpendicular with the external surface of the original roof;
( c ) it would result in the highest part of the alteration being higher than the highest part of the
original roof; or
( d ) it would consist of or include—
( i ) the installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe, or
( ii ) the installation, alteration or replacement of solar photovoltaics or solar thermal
C.2 Development is permitted by Class C subject to the condition that any window located on a
roof slope forming a side elevation of the dwelling/house must be—
(a) obscure-glazed; and
(b) non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened are more than 1.7
metres above the floor of the room in which the window is installed.
Rooflights in a Conservation Area
Cherwell district council have the following advice/guidelines on installing VELUX windows or similar rooflights into roofs within a conservation area. And it can be assumed these guidelines are the same for neighbouring Local Authorities.
Generally rooflights in the Conservation Area do not need planning permission, even in the front, although side facing rooflights would need to be obscure glazed and fixed shut, unless over 1.7 metres from floor level.
However, Cherwell District Council as the Local Planning Authority encourages homeowners to safeguard the appearance of their properties by choosing appropriate styles and makes of rooflight, and to consider positioning and detailing in a conservation area. We would not encourage rooflights on the principal roof slope of a property or on a roof slope facing a highway or public footpath. Rooflights should be a conservation type, set flush with the rooflsope where the window is fitted between the rafters. The rooflights should be appropriately sized based on historic precedent, a central mullion can help to reduce the perceived size. Care should be taken to ensure the flashing around the window is neat and not too wide so that the rooflight looks to be an integral part of the roof. Care should also be taken in selecting any escape rooflights, some side opening rooflights need a wider flashing on the hinge side which looks unbalanced – there are some top opening escape rooflights which are visually more acceptable.
I would suggest that applicants check the planning history of their property as there are some cases where the permitted development rights for the replacement of openings have been removed via condition.
If the building was constructed prior to 1948 you can assume that the permitted development rights are intact for the original dwelling, although if the windows are in a later addition to the dwelling then the rights could have been removed from that element.
Applicants can check the planning history of the property at one of our offices – Bicester Market Square, Kidlington Exeter Hall or Bodicote House – during opening hours. No appointment is necessary. The front desk will show Applicants to the computers.
If the rights have been removed, this will be specifically stated on the relevant decision notice as a condition. If there is no such condition, then you can assume the rights are intact.
If the permitted development rights have been removed, and the work would not normally require planning permission, they will need to apply for planning permission but there would be no fee
If the permitted development rights have not been removed, and the applicant does not think the work requires planning permission, they do not need to notify us of the work. However, if they would like legal confirmation as to whether or not planning permission is required they are advised to apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Development (CLUP). The current fee will be on the Cherwell District Council planning website.
The above mentioned applications can be submitted online via our website www.cherwell.gov.uk by following the relevant links from the homepage.
Applicants can find out if their property is in a Conservation Area or is a listed building via our website: www.cherwell.gov.uk
For a listed building, listed building consent would be required for any rooflight. There is no fee for a listed building application.
I also advise applicants to discuss the proposal with our Building Control Team on 0300 003 0200 as the work would need to comply with the requirements of Building Control Regulations.
Building Regulations
HessianCole are experienced in dealing with Building Regulations and can help with the following.
Advice on the initial design of your new installation.
Submit application to local building control department.
Liaise with local authority building inspector during installation and on completion.
The average new installation of one or more VELUX windows will fall within the bottom price band of building regulations fees and depending on your local authority cost approx £250.
Local Authorities we have dealt with.
We have experience dealing with Building Regulations and Planning Applications with the following local Authorities.

Useful Links
Not sure if you are within a Conservation area?, or how to find your local building control department.
Please take a look at some useful planning and building regulations related websites below.
The Planning Portal
The national home of planning and building regulations information and the national planning application service. We use the planning portal to submit all our planning and building regulations applications. They have a mountain of useful information and the interactive house helps with understanding restrictions.
Conservation Areas
Click the following links to view conservation areas within your local district council area.
Some interactive maps require you to select conservation areas within the map key to make them visible.
View cherwell council conservation areas
Listed buildings consent and planning restrictions often require the use of glazing bars and a black exterior finish. HessianCole install Velux conservation windows to period properties throughout Oxfordshire, and surrounding counties. Read more on the VELUX Conservation Windows in the Products section of our website.